Create An Original Drum Pattern On Soundtrap

scroll to the bottom for a step-by-step video

Step 1: Enter the music studio in Soundtrap and click on ‘add new track’

soundtrap add new track.png

Step 2: Select ‘Drums & Beats’ and experiment with patterns

soundtrap drum patterns.png

You will notice a number of purple squares organized into rows. Each row has a specific drum sound you can work with such as kick, snare, and hihat. Each square indicates 1/16 note and are organized in groups of 4.


Step 3: Simply click on a square in the respectful row for the sounds you wish to use in the pattern. If you wish to unhighlight the square, click on it again.

soundtrap drum patterns in use.png

Step 4: The loop will appear in the composition window, separated by measures. If you want to make a longer pattern, drag the purple bar and extend it to the right. 

soundtrap patterns bar.png

If you’d like to add another drum, simply click on the ‘+ Add’ button in the bottom left corner.


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