Tips for Balancing Work with Music Endeavors

Working a regular 9 to 5 job while pursuing a side music career can be intimidating and stressful. Here are some helpful tips that will hopefully encourage balance and inspiration for your musical aspirations.

Tip 1: Sort your to-do-list by priorities

As you juggle with your work and school responsibilities, it is important to set your priorities straight. If you foresee your music career eventually becoming your sole focus, evaluate how other areas of your daily routine detract you from your music endeavors. Get in a habit of routinely setting daily to-do lists, realistically setting time commitments for each of your tasks.

Tip 2: Limit your music income for music expenses 

Any income that you accumulate from music should be stored away for future music expenses. This way, future music equipment, or venue expenses will be covered with no added stressors about having a stash for disposal. 

Tip 3: Set aside time for inspiration

Actively seek out inspiration for your music. Go to concerts, listen to a diverse spread of genres and up-and-coming artists. Dance along to feel the rhythms that speak to your liking. Working a traditional 9-5 routine can make finding inspiration for creating new music difficult. It is up to you to make sure your musical sparks remain ignited. 

Tip 4: Prepare in advance for weekday gigs

While weekend gigs are ultimately preferred, sometimes weekday gigs are your only option. There are few things you can control to help you perform your best. Try to coordinate with your band ahead of time with your equipment to speed up the unloading process. Prepare your outfit and food plan for the day the night before. Ensure that your deadlines at work are met on time to ensure no unexpected delays.


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